Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Preserving the Family by Protecting Marriage

With the election today, the heated battle over a California ballot initiative that would amend the state constitution to define marriage to be between a man and a woman has begun to shatter spending records and draw national attention. According to US News and World Report, the campaigns for and against Proposition 8 have raised more than $60 million in donations, setting a new record nationally for a social policy initiative—and trumping every other race in the country this year in spending except the presidential contest.

As of last week, roughly 40 percent of the campaign's overall donations have come from members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This involvement of Mormons is attributable significantly to the clearly defined beliefs in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” and a letter from the First Presidency of the Church encouraging members in California to devote their time and resources to supporting Proposition 8.

Our support for Proposition 8 is not evidence of prejudice and discrimination against homosexuals. It is evidence of a clear understanding of the importance of the marriage contract and the central role that families play in the stability of our nation, our economy, our society, and our world. Children have a right to be born within the bonds of matrimony. Men and women have unique physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual characteristics that compliment each other and when all of these characteristics are brought together in the marriage relationship, they have the potential to bring children into the world and to fortify them with all of the support that they need to be successful in this life.

Gay rights are important. We must take action to protect the rights of people who are homosexual, but we do not have to redefine marriage to accomplish this. Gay rights can and must be established and preserved while also preserving and fortifying marriage by clarifying that marriage is a contract between a man and a woman.

If you are registered to vote in California, please vote YES on proposition 8 today.

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