Friday, August 15, 2008

Mormon Money

eLwood wrote:

"Mormons are now the largest single property holders in America, own more food producing lands and operations than any other group....They own more than Saudis and Japanese and the royal robes of the catholic church.Therefore they have more toys and will get into heaven sooner. Sorry but numbers are numbers and that's the way god works now. MoMoney, Mo heaven. Just come up here and ask Armani Ronnie. 2 mega churches to his credit, bullet proof SUVs, two luxurious homes, helicopterto port him from church to church. Take away the numbers and what do you have? Just another Pimp for Bush.

Rhino's response:

"Yes - the Mormon church has a lot of money and a lot of land. All of the Mormons who are in full-fellowship pay 10% of their income to the church and they have done a lot of good things with that money. Check out this website if you want to learn more: None of the "paid-clergy" of the Mormon church are living in luxurious homes, but I am pretty sure their cars are bullet proof.

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