Monday, August 25, 2008

Fishers of Men

Last night I had the opportunity to speak at a mission prep fireside for the Las Vegas South Stake and it was an awesome experience. Twelve years ago , I gave my last sacrament meeting talk in the Rainbow Ward of the Las Vegas Lakes Stake before leaving on my mission to the Dominican Republic. The theme of that talk was based on the scripture Matthew 4:19 and I focused on being"fishers of men".

This time the theme of the fireside was the same scripture, Matthew 4:19, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men", but the focus was very different: "Follow me". What I did not quite realize 12 years ago, was that we can study all the techniques for sharing the Gospel, and we can analyze what it means to be a good missionary, but the invitation is simple. Follow Jesus Christ, and he will make you a fisher of men.

Follow the example of Jesus Christ, seek to develp his attributes, through the mercy of his atoning sacrifice, and you will naturally become a fisher of men. You will see opportunities to share the Gospel with your family, friends, and neighbors and they will want to follow Jesus Christ because they will see the goodness that is in you.

Last night, the Holy Ghost testified to me that the best way to share the Gospel is to develop Christlike attributes. I am grateful for that reminder and that testimony.

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